Where will your students’ Projects end up? Olayemi Joseph

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Olayemi Joseph, Solution ARchitect, Huawei Technologies
One of the Big questions asked during the ROAR Nigeria Hub Commissioning at University of Nigeria Nsukka was: ‘Where will your students’ projects end up’? This was asked by the Solution Architect of Huawei Technologies, Olayemi Joseph. This needs to be told because a lot of students have carried out researches and their
projects, theses and dissertations have been eaten by termites in the library archives. Beyond writing approving topics to students, I think lecturers should allow these students think outside the box, not just assigning topics at random. Projects were build from problem statements; how can this research solve a societal or economic problem? This will help bring solution to lots of problems in Nigeria and the world. I ask: Who knows which student’s topic will bring an end to this economic recession in Nigeria?
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