Achieve Your Personal Development Goals

One of the best ways to reach your personal development goals is through the incredible power of habit. From losing weight to making more money, you can radically transform your life just with a few simple habits.
But how do you actually form a new habit? Here are the steps that I’ve used to develop successful habits and reshape my life.
  • Make a decision - First, you must decide to do something different. Whether it’s waking up early to exercise or listening to audio tapes on the way to work, you have to make a firm decision to do it.
  • No exceptions - You must not make any exceptions to your habit, especially during the formative period at the beginning. Make sure you perform your new habit every single day.
  • Visualize it - Create a clear picture in your mind of you performing the habit every day. This will force your subconscious to accept this new behavior.


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