I was paralyzed, I thought (Raw article) Dylan Woon

I thought I was paralyzed.
In fact, I was – a few weeks ago.
(Note: This is a raw, unpolished article. I’m merely journaling my deep and highly conceptual thoughts. In fact, I’ve only communicated 10% of my thoughts, at most. If you don’t like it, just skip it.)
I was mentally paralyzed. Why?

I literally did not know how to navigate my life anymore. Paralyzed.
There were simply too many routes to pick.
Too many possibilities.
There were no absolutely right or wrong decisions.

The strange thing was, even I was mentally incapacitated, I wasn’t fearful.

I wasn’t struggling…
On the contrary, I was feeling some kind of bliss and relief
It was strangely apparent, yet ineffable.
Weird huh? I know…
Sorry, I do not know how to describe this exactly.
Fast forward to today…I can at least make a bit of sense about my previous experience.

The paradoxical experience that I felt relieved and blissful about the feeling of loss and directionless.

That happened because I somewhat realized that the world isn’t as rigid and structure as it appears.
Yes, we do have regulations, rules, fines and whatnot.
But why do those things exist in the first place?
It’s because the world is inherently FREE.

This can be difficult to express, but I would say our world is actually an open wide flatland.

On this free flatland, we can run and walk however we want. We can even lie on the middle of it.
In other words, we are free to make our decisions in this real world.
(It’s like, you can decide to steal things, but of course you’ll probably get caught at the end.)
So is this a good or bad thing?
To be honest, I can’t tell.
But I can say that rules, regulations are necessary so manage the inherently free society.
Humanity actually thrives on freedom, but our current society needs some degree of structures and order to curb crimes and inhuman activities.
The thing is, those rules and regulation need not apply to the people who rise above that level.
They won’t mess up the society even if there are no rules.
I know I can do whatever I want on the wide flatland, but I won’t lie on the middle of it with the sake to block other people. I know no one will penalize me for that, yet I still won’t conduct any activities that will disturb the order and structure at large. I won’t at all.

In other words, there are rules, but perhaps some people don’t need them. They know how to behave more freely without compromising others’ welfare. Or even better, they’ll (and would like to) benefit others because of their free behaviour.

Who are like this?
Elon Musk first comes to my mind. And I believe there are many other unknown people who live the same way too.
There’s no conclusion here. This article is merely a fragment, incomplete speck of dust.
I’ll continue grasping the big picture.
  • This is a raw, unpolished article. I’m merely journaling my deep and highly conceptual thoughts.
  • Even though I mentioned about freedom to make decisions, I’m not discussing about free will or determinism. That’s beyond the scope of this article.
  • I’m not writing for intellectual argument. Constructive opinions are valued, though.
  • If you’re having similar experience or being curious, check out Spiral Dynamics.
  • If you read till the end, thanks again for reading. I appreciate it.


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