Life purpose cannot be found because the very notion of "you are meant and born to do something special" is wrong. Our life is a random phenomenon and everything that happens is because of the beauty of randomization., You were born because that exact sperm among the millions other won the race. how did this exactly happened? Any other sperm and you would not have existed. Your life was influenced by hundreds of people you met in the journey, how did you meet these exact people among billions other on the earth ? You like something or someone , why among so many that particular one only? How do some one get along something so mind boggling? Simple,
because something had to happen and that is why you happened. If you throw hundreds of balls of different colors in a room it 's obvious that they will strike each other,they have to, it's nature but no one can every say why a particular ball stroke another particular one. It's just random. Why was i giving this analogy? It was important so that you can understand:

 " Everything that happens in our life is a random process and nothing is fixed ever which discards the very notion of 'finding that special thing which you are meant to do' because there isn't any".  Life will throw hell lot of things at you, some you may like, some you may hate and some you will find worth dying for. Know yourself, set your priorities and differentiate on the basis of your sub conscious mind that what are the variables that you want to use to create a beautiful life purpose because ultimately this system will lead you live a wonderful life. 

And most importantly remember, that life purpose does not mean just your mainstream work, it's different things that is connected and have tendency to affect one another aspect of your life, it's the system that defines you and the way you live your life. Like if their is a problem your family, you cannot concentrate on your work. I think we would be doing injustice to our life if we just signify own thing as our purpose of life because there are lot of things besides our work that is very important to us and is a purpose of life. Of course its all about priorities at the end. Let me put it this way:

Life purpose is a function of different variables and the number of variables varies in each case according to person to person. Say  your function is defined as life purpose1= f(family, money, satisfaction, fame) and my function is defined as life purpose2= f(family, friends, satisfaction). Because the amount of money you want to earn, kind of family life you want to live, the level of satisfaction, the horizon of fame and happiness differs according to person to person  and hence these all are variables. In my case i have no desire to earn much amount of wealth and i have no interest on being famous. Hence I have just 3 variables that defines my function of life purpose. But in your case it's 4 variables. Nature allows us to choose our own set of variables and there are no obligations to do this, thanks to the era of freedom we are born in. 
Hence before finding your life purpose, you need to define it .

-How do you do it?
-Set your priorities, what you want in your life and how much you want it?
-Family, friends, girlfriend, do you need them and what is the level of their impact in you life? Set it.
-Do you want to earn money? How much do you want it? How bad do you want it?
-Satisfaction: What is it that makes you content? Music, art, books, smile on a child face, donation? 
Set your horizons and define your function. Like:

Life Purpose  = f(family, friends, work, peace)


Working on Variables:
Having defined the number of my variables that defines my life purpose function, i need to work on my variables.
Family= (me + my parents+ my sisters & their family+some close                       relatives)*(happiness+healthy)

These are the people whom i love and i want them to be happy and lead a healthy life. If they have any problem, no matter what i am doing or what i am earning, i can't be happy, i can't be at peace. I constantly check on these people if they are fine or not, share their problems and help them fix it.
Friends=  i don't want to name them but say ( a+b+c+d+e+f+g) * (fun+adventure holidays+share secrets+suggestions). 

Thankfully i have with me some friends for lifetime with whom i can enjoy like hell, spend some quality time, share our secrets and honestly dare to speak the truth about each other. I don't want to lose them ever and wish that they are always around.

Work = (Entrepreneurship + difference + profit)* Satisfaction 

I measure the success of my work by the level of satisfaction i have while doing it. Bringing change on society makes me content, seeing my ideas work makes me excited and a little profit fuels me to move ahead and live.
You might measure success of your work by money or creative art or something else. Discover it and to do this you have to explore yourself, you have to break the comfort level, do different things and suddenly a click on your mind will make you realize what is the work formula you want to set that might balance your life purpose function.

Peace = Travel + Write

I am a kind of a thinker and lot of things going around me makes me question, a lot actually. Problems of society, human relations, mystery of nature makes me wander but i have found a way, a reaction that i can give to relax and that is by writing and by traveling. Writing refreshes me, resets my mind and hence re-directs me towards my endeavor all over again. 

We all have our own functions, our own formulas because the theory of randomization itself makes us unique. The moment you asked this question, you embarked in the journey of discovering that uniqueness. Congratulations! because 70% of the people do not do this. Now ask yourself every time before you do anything because believe me all the answers lies within. It's just that some people just do not bother to look inside. They are surrounded by the external dogma that they don't realize the inner power. Discover yourself, define your function, set your variables, create your formulas and you are into a system that is yours. Now work for it, nurture it everyday and live with it happily ever after. Even if you get lost, the darkness will not be able to hamper you because you know the boundaries, you know the topography, because it's your world, it's your life and you always will be proud of yourself because you find yourself among very less people who are lucky enough to live their life in their own way, their own conditions...


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